Windows for Hallways
Our selection of windows interactive or non-interactive are the perfect accompaniment to our resident “Front Doors”!
Top-quality self-adhesive image on vinyl “wrap” material has special no-glare laminate for extra durability and easy cleaning.
Let’s face it - we all like to have a “peek” inside windows to see what is happening inside! As well as our windows with flower boxes that complement the resident doors, we have created these for a little added interest to a resident’s daily walkabout.
***Note*** These sizes may be modified somewhat to fill your space"
You may choose just the image of a flower box with your window

Or make it interactive
Flowers may be “picked” from the tubes and arranged in the flower box or wall pots.
Interactive windows include:
Fully “wipe-able” wrap image with special no-glare laminate
Flower box with insert for stems
2 wall containers*
Eight plastic tubes with wall attachment brackets
A supply of thin-stemmed artificial flowers
*Flower container style may vary according to availability