A Purposeful Activity Backdrop
“Full of cues to keep residents on task -
- Occupational Therapist, Psychogeriatric Resource Consultant
It is generally known by professionals in Memory Care environments that “purposeful activities” such as everyday household chores can be beneficial for their residents-in-care, living with a form of dementia.
Of course, it is also important that the task be one that is easily performed. The benefits can be a rewarding sense of autonomy, a feeling of accomplishment and a boost to confidence. As most people have had experience in their lives with the various aspects of “doing laundry”, the process is often second nature and is therefore easily achieved.
To support this activity, Creative Art Co has created a series of images (wall wraps) that will support the “cueing” of residents who may struggle to stay on task. This backdrop includes images of a washer and dryer, shelves containing laundry products, laundry baskets with towels and iron, an ironing board, a window showing hanging clothes, and finally a sign indicating “Laundry Day” with a retro-depiction of laundry tasks being performed. Care homes may then make their own arrangements according to the space they have available.
Choose your package of 6 items to include:
one window with hanging clothes,
“Laundry Day Sign”,
one ironing board,
one washer/dryer,
one of each shelf.
*Note: These items are sold as a package - not sold individually
*Note also: Items are “life-size” although these depictions may not accurately display sizes relative to each other.